Saturday, April 30, 2011

We Are in Full Bloom in The Northwest

So I am walking regularly even on not so nice days, but today was beautiful and I truly enjoyed my walk. There are flowers all over the place so I brought my camera on my walk today.There are so many of these dandelion seeds out  there that I am sure we are going to have an abundance of them in the NW this year. It is to bad that so many people consider them weeds. They are actually wonderful plants. The dandelion root dried makes a great tea for your liver health. Or it can be dried and ground up to a powder and put in capsules and taken. It is so very good for your liver. The leaves when young make a nice addition to any salad too. It is not a weed at all.
And the beautifully fragrant Lilac which can fill your house with  its calming fragrance.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I wish my lilacs were this far along! I have buds but they're still really small. :) Everything is so late this year because it's been so rainy and cold.

    Beautiful shots!
