Thursday, March 31, 2011

It Has Been a Long Time

The winter weather is starting to disappear a little at a time. I enjoy hearing the birds sing in the morning. It is getting close to gardening time, which I am looking forward to. I am also looking forward to hiking and backpacking again. It has been many years since I have backpacked. My past summers were spent with grandchildren, whom I love dearly, but this summer will be more my own. So my loving husband and I will be doing more hiking and backpacking and of course I will be bringing my camera.
These pictures I took on one of our walks last year around a local garden by a college with the new camera my loving husband bought me. The trees above reflected nicely in the water.
The bridge you cross as you go into the garden.

This would be a nice place for a picnic.


  1. Hey there how are you doing? I am so glad to hear from you. Have you been making pretty things? I miss seeing everyone at Cathy's. Keep in touch. Agape'

  2. I'm so glad to see you posting again. :) I'm looking forward to lots of beautiful photos and stories of hiking and backpacking trips. :)
